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UV Cans & S/T/U/V/W 16/12


UV - Top row 2nd and 3rd cans are the same but one face shows Schultz while the other face shows Dooley! The UC Pale Ale is the USBC2 can , I know of one other and when a collector questioned if the can was legitimate another collector who frequented dump sites in the Northeast swore to finding this rare zip on several occasions but never any salvageable! The next UC can has Betsy Ross in full color in the top circle, at least one other but possibly two! The Value Line on the right is from Maier Brewing but has the zip on the bottom! The Van Merrit with the blue tulip is from Chicago.

UV Cans

UV Cans & S/T/U/V/W 16/12

The two Value Lines are from Maier Brewing and the color difference puzzles me but the fonts for the lettering is identical, the 12 ounce Value Line I found to be extremely tough as an NON can!

UV Cans & S/T/U/V/W 16/12

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