Self Opening States Only
Western PA

Question: The Pittsburg Brewing company had 14 independent breweries operating when Prohibition hit in 1920. Only 3 restarted after it ended in 1933 : Name them.
The very first ever (year 1962) self-opening can the Iron City (top row fourth
can from left) is shown here. In 2011, four cans were found in a Virginia basement.
(where these first zips were test marketed). This can and one other were in
better condition than the other. Previously best known can pictured in the
USBC Book. According to Book 2, Iron City sales skyrocketed 233% that
year by using the zip top lid. Self-opening cans were here to stay. Iron City
quickly redesigned the face of their can (other two cans shown) to help maintain
their sales edge using this major breakthrough in packaging. Customers loved the self-opening zip top cans, and the church key (can openers) were becoming a thing of the past.
Erie Brewing Company's Slogan - "Pour a Koehler Collar (for the white foam ring at the top of the glass)" Koehler closed in 1978
DeBois Brewing was one of only two breweries in the country that had never been suspected of violating Prohibition Laws. At the turn of the 20th century, the Dubois Brewing was producing their version of Budweiser Beer. Dubois claimed the name derived from the Royal Brewery of the Holy Roman Empire located in Budweis, Czech Republic. Anheuser Busch claimed the Budweiser name as their own. The court battle over the name lasted sixty years with setbacks and successes for both sides. Finally in 1967 the Dubois Brewery was sold to Pittsburgh Brewing Company (Iron City) for one million dollars with the condition that Iron City would continue to operate the Dubois plant for five years. In 1970 the U.S. Supreme Court ordered Anheuser Busch to pay one million dollars to Pittsburgh Brewing when they prevailed in court over the Budweiser name. Iron City basically got Dubois for free. Fulfilling their five year obligation, Iron City closed the Dubois plant in 1972.
At the turn of the 20th Century, the many small breweries in and around Pittsburgh formed into two groups. Those in the city (21) consolidated to form the Pittsburgh Brewing company of which iron City eventually emerged. Independent Brewing Company was formed from the small outlying breweries (15) of which Duquesne emerged. Duquesne was extremely quality conscious; their Silver Top beer, made from the finest ingredients available, was highly successful and outsold the competition everywhere it was marketed. Later, Duquesne refused to switch to artificial carbonization, believing that it compromised the smooth taste of their brews and continued to "Krausen" their product in the traditional "old World" way. Iron City was always a leader in modern innovation (first zip top cans, first twist-off bottle caps, first Draught beer in cans, first Malt Cooler Hop-n-Gator, first to put sports teams on cans). They also focused heavilty on Pittsburgh's professional sports teams (Pirates and Steelers). National Competition was encroaching on both breweries and in 1965, Iron City made an offer to buy Duquesne. Citing anti-trust laws, the U.S. Justice Department blocked the sale. Duquesne was sold in 1972 and operations shut down immediately. Iron City was sold to outside interests in 1986. What a Shame - both were great Breweries.
In 1963 Duquesne purchased the Pilsener Brewing company of Cleveland. They canned the POC (Pride of Cleveland) can shown at right on the top row. It is easily overlooked but scarce and seldom seen Cleveland Family can USBC 2 #109-34.
Fort Pitt "That's It !"
Tech Beer "Tickles Your Taste"
Duquense "Outsells ... because it Excels"
Silver Top "Give It a Whirl"
Answer: Eberhardt and Ober, Iron City, and Uniontown