Self Opening States Only
I read an article about the employees at Van Dyke telling their friends to bring home a case of V.D. – hey whatever as long as it helped their sales.
Question – What is the constant theme about the cities these cans come from?
The Busch, top row aside of Budweiser cans does not have “Bavarian Beer” in its oval. The Country Club on the right is without the XXX in the blue oval.
During the Prohibition years of the Roaring Twenties, the extreme popularity of Country Club led the Goetz Brewery to expand 10 times their original size!
The Griesedieck Brewing family has a long and distinguished involvement in the brewing industry.
1. Henry C. headed Grisedieck Brothers Brewing Company
2. Joseph (brother of Henry C.) bought Falstaff from the failed Lemp Brewery
3. Henry L (cousin to Henry C. and Joseph) bought the Western Brewery just
across the Mississippi River and began brewing Stag Beer.
Talk about sibling rivalries! Locals nickname for Griesedeick - "Slippery Richard"
Country Club thrived and actually expanded operations during the Dry Years of prohibition. They produced a legal non-alcoholic beer that its customers would spike (add alcohol to ) that tasted great. Many breweries tried to do the same - but it seems that only Country Club perfected it.
Anheuser Busch Facilities
Location Opened
1. St. Louis, Missouri 1852
2. Newark, New Jersey 1951
3. Los Angeles, California 1954
4. Houston, Texas 1966
5. Columbus, Ohio 1968
6. Jacksonville, Florida 1969
7. Merrimack, New Hampshire 1970
8. Williamsburg, Virginia 1972
9. Fairfield, California 1976
10. Baldwinsville, New York 1983
11. Fort Collins, Colorado 1988
12. Cartersville, Georgia 1993
August Busch III was nicknamed "Three Sticks". His grandfather
August Busch Sr. led the company 1913-1934. His father "Gussie"
Busch ran it 1946-1971 and he was in charge from 1974-2002.
"This Bud's for you!"
Answer – Saint: St. Louis, St Charles, and St Josephs.
Budweiser - "The King of Beers"
In 1860 Eberhard Anheuser (a successful soap manufacturer) purchased the failed Bavarian Brewery in St. Louis. His daughter, Lilly, married Adolphus Busch in 1861 and soon after Busch bought into his father-in-law's brewery forming the Anheuser-Busch (AB) Brewing Company. Budweiser, an extremely popular lager style beer was developed in 1876. AB was the first American Brewer to use pasteurization which enabled them to ship their beers long distances without spoiling. By the early 1880's, AB created the first artificial (ice) refrigerated rail cars. Budweiser soon became America's first national brand of beer. With Adolphus' death in 1913, his son August took control of AB.
During Prohibition, AB diversified into ice cream, soft drinks, and a non-alcoholic beverage Bevo. what really enabled AB to survive these years was their selling of the raw ingredients to produce the real thing. This was legal as long as they weren't brewing alcoholic beer themselves. In particular the profits realized on their yeast products was the cash cow that kept the company afloat.
After Prohibition ended, AB canned their first beer in 1936. For this first time in 1957, Anheuser Busch became the largest selling brewer of beer in America - a distinction they hold to this very day. Their formula for success was to build new ultra modern and high efficient, strategically located breweries throughout the U.S. By limiting their number of products (Budweiser, Michelob, Busch Bavarian), AB gained a significant advertising advantage as one extremely well done commercial would be effective nationally - think Clydesdales!
In July 2008, InBev (a Belgian/Brazillian multinational conglomerate) gained control of Anheuser Busch by paying 70 dollars a share to stockholders - 54 billion in total equity.