Self Opening States Only
Maier #2

The 102 Draft, the Regal Bock on the right and the enamel Spring 6/89 are book cans. The Rex on the left is not pictured in the books. To the best of my knowledge, there are 8 twelve ounce Red Souls.
As you can see, Maier played up the fact of the 102 recipes and thus there are seven different cans shown here with the 102 motif.
Was the black 102 Draft filled? I was asked that very question when this can was photographed at the Blue/Grey show for USBC2 book. As it is the companion can to the very short run and scarce 102 Gallon can, I feel it was filled. My own opinion of course - draw your own conclusions. About six known.
Supermarket Beers brewed by Maier
Bavarian - Sav-On Drug Stores
Bohemian –Thrifty Drug Stores
Brown Derby – Safeway
Club Special – Marine base in San Diego
Golden Brew – Smith’s Food King
Golden Crown – Market Basket
Heritage House (General) Fazio's Grocery
Keg – Vons
Padre - Safeway
Reidenbach -(General) Federal Cal Grocery
Spring - Thriftway Grocery
Springfield - (General) El Rancho Grocery
Steinbrau - Market Basket
Zodys – Zody’s Liquors
In 1967, Maier launched their Soul Beer and Malt Liquor cans. This was 2 years after the Watts Riots in Los Angeles protesting racial inequality. The 16 ounce cans were released first, followed by the 12 ounce cans and although an advertisement for 8 ounce Soul cans exist, Maier Brewing never issued their products in small cans. Some time after the yellow 12 ounce Soul Beer can was release, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) protested the use of the name "Soul" as having racial overtones and Maier discontinued the brand. The red 12 ounce Malt Liquor cans were never filled. Dale Rogalski, a very knowledgable long-time collector/dealer in the hobby, told me he remembered seeing one flat sheet of 36 cans - which were eventually cut and rolled into cans. I can verify the existence of approximately 10 cans - Where are the rest?
The advertisement was only for the 8 ounce red
Soul Malt Liquor can. There was no advertisement
for the 8 ounce yellow Soul Beer.