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New Jersey #1


 Question: On New Jersey 1 and New Jersey 2, name the 7 cans not from Hammonton.


As we walk through history, we are reminded of the hit television western show “Bonanza” from the early 60’s. Anyone remember the disco era? Sure glad it's over! The can on the left had to be pulled off the market for using the term Non-Alcoholic and was re-issued as Near Beer. If you wanted to sell your swill, you put it in cans with a Supermarket’s name on the outside. 

Anyone see a connection with the Black Horse Ale and the Black Horse Pike highway that connects Philadelphia and Atlantic City NJ? These cans spoke then and they still speak now. 


The Del Dia on the left is without (Puerto  Rico) at the bottom of the can and is the USBC 2 can.  

Dis Go was first labeled as Non Alcoholic Beer, the Federal Government objected to the word Alcohol in describing their beer so Hammonton switched to using Near Beer.


For the SOSO site, I'm attempting to post at least one interesting story for each of the windows displayed on "Cans by State".  Because of the difficulty in finding information on Hammonton's EBC (Eastern Bewing Company), I avoided this Brewery unsavory reputation. 


Upon the realization that 41 of the 48 cans shown on the two New Jersey Windows are from Hammonton, I felt the need to do the story. The ownership and operations of EBC are shrouded in mystery and EBC's history appears to be the polar opposite of other breweries. In 1933, EBC commenced brewing operations, in 1943 they relocated to another Hammonton location during the middle of World War II. They remained at this second location until they closed in 1990. While other breweries worked hard to get noticed, EBC tried to remain close to invisible.  Collectors that visted this site found the employees at EBC to be extremely unfriendly. EBC was also known as Colonial Brewing, Garden State Brewing, and other various names. They never had a flagship brand and again avoiding publicity I know of no advertising pieces from this Brewery. They did acquire the rights to other defunct brewery's labels (Canadian Ace, Dawson, Topper, Westover, etc) and re-issued these labels with their products into grocery store chains and beer distributorships. In spite of EBC's quest for secrecy, many of their short run cans speak loudly to collectors as we search for their Treasure Trove of scarce cans.


Big Apple    - only a handful known

Davidson    - fairly scarce as a self opening

Del Dia       - the can without "Puerto Rico" is the USBC can and is tougher than the other version but neither one are easy cans

                     to acquire. 

G.E.M. and G.E.X. - are scarce

Goya         - could be considered rare on grade

Grand Union can with black letters  - probably unique 

Kappy's     - white can is scarce

Linden       - both cans are extremely scarce

San Juan  - white can unknown as a self opening can when the USBC 2 book was published. This was from a 

                    September 2016 find in Lancaster, PA. In early summer 2016, another can was discovered by a collector. 

                    There may be a third of the same.

                    The tan San Juan can is the USBC 2 can. I only know of one other can on grade and four off grade self opening cans.

Westover  - can be difficult to find. 

Wilco        - with the orange letters is very scarce.


Answer: Black Horse Ale, (2) Bohacks, Embassy Club, Horton, Old Ranger, Red Bird


        Trenton -   Metropolis Brewing Company (was owned by the Benjamin Herzberg Organization with other plants in Norfolk, Virginia and Pensacola Florida) . Metropolis Brewing produced Champale, Malt Liquor (called the poor man's Champagne) along with contract brewing of private labels: Black Horse Ale, Bohack, Embassy Club, Gilt Edge Ale, Horton, Metbrew, Old Ranger, Tudor Beer/Ale in self opening cans. Metropolis closed in 1967       



New Jersey #1

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