Self Opening States Only
Maier #1
Maier Brewing claimed to brew 101 different recipes for their beer. And upon their 102nd attempt, they developed the perfect beer. There are many short-run cans from Maier creating a collectors treasure trove of collectible cans.
Paul Kalmanovitz
1926 Arrives in U.S. penniless from Poland
1950 Acquired Maier Brewing
Maier struggles initially but eventually begins to prosper
1966 Acquired Grace Brothers, Santa Rosa – also brews and cans the GB labels at Maier.
1968 Acquired Walters Brewing, Pueblo Colorado
1969 Closed Grace Brothers, Santa Rosa
1970 Purchases General Brewing from Labatts (Canada) Lucky Lager become Flagship brand
1971 Merges Maier and Lucky Lager and uses General Brewing name
1974 Closes Maier Brewing in Los Angeles
1974 Closes Walters Brewing of Colorado
1975 Purchases Falstaff’s San Francisco plant. Eventually gains control of Falstaff (includes Ballantine, Narragansett and many others)